How many gallons in a barrel of beer?

A barrel of beer is a standard unit of measure used in the brewing industry. It’s a way to know how much beer can be produced or stored. A simple way to think about it is “Understanding beer barrel measurements“.

Here’s a table that helps make sense of it:

Barrels Pints Liters
1 115 55
10 1,150 550
100 11,500 5,550
1,000 115,000 55,000

In the US, a barrel of beer is around fifteen and a half gallons or fifty-eight liters. In the UK, it’s bigger at thirty-six imperial gallons or one hundred sixty-four liters.

Back in the medieval period, barrels were made of wood and varied in size. Ancient Egyptian tombs show evidence of brewing technology used by workers who drank their profits!

Forget about numbers – just enjoy the party until it ends!

How many gallons are in a barrel of beer?

Beer serving requires careful consideration. A key part of this is knowing the amount of beer in each barrel. Let’s check out this table:

Type Gallons
US 31
UK/Imperial 36

This info helps planners decide how much beer to order. Homebrewers can use this info too, to get the right containers. Kegs are also available, usually holding 15 gallons.

Barrels have been used in beer-related tasks centuries ago. They were made from wood and later replaced by metal. Nowadays, many breweries still use barrel-like containers for storage and decoration.

It’s essential to know the gallons per barrel, for any beer expert or industry pro. This knowledge helps in improving beer service. Barrels, kegs, or whatever, beer has always been precious!

The history of beer barrels and their sizes

To understand the history of beer barrels and their sizes, delve into the evolution of beer barrel sizes and the legality of beer barrel sizes. Uncover how beer barrels have changed in size over time and explore the laws and regulations surrounding beer barrel sizes.

The evolution of beer barrel sizes

Beer containers have seen a lot of change. Let’s take a look at the fascinating history of beer barrel sizes!

Back in the mid-15th century, barrels were usually 32 gallons. But it wasn’t until the early 19th century that the modern keg started to evolve. In the US, they went for a certified half-barrel size of 15.5 gallons. In Germany, kegs ranged from 20 to 50 litres.

Interesting fact: wooden barrels have been popular for drinks since they’re so durable and portable. The most common materials used are oak, pine, spruce, and cedar.

Not all countries share the same beer barrel size, though. In some European countries, beer is measured by weight.

We can’t deny the historical importance of beer barrels. They reflect the drinking cultures of different regions, and showcase human ingenuity since ancient times.

The legality of beer barrel sizes

Legislation exists around beer barrel size in the industry. This was set up to keep production and taxation consistent. The table below reveals legal sizes for barrels in different countries:

Country Legal Barrel Size
USA 31 gallons
UK 36 imperial gallons
Germany 50 liters
Belgium 50 liters
Canada 30.7 US gallons

Surprisingly, Japan has no legal size specified. However, their standard is similar to Germany and Belgium at around 50 liters.

Breweries must check with their country’s governing body before making barrels. On top of this, it’s wise to stick to industry standards to ensure production is consistent. This can help build a positive reputation and attract more customers.

In conclusion, breweries should be aware of legal regulations for beer barrel sizes. With the right attention and compliance to authorities, breweries can make top-notch beer in an orderly manner.

Different beer barrel sizes and their corresponding gallon capacity

To discover the gallons of beer in different barrel sizes, explore this section on “Different Beer Barrel Sizes and their Corresponding Gallon Capacity” with a focus on US and UK beer barrel sizes as solutions. You’ll learn about the varying capacity of each barrel size and how it relates to the production and distribution of beer.

Also read:   Why do I like beer so much?

US beer barrel sizes

This article is all about US beer barrel sizes! It’s important for both brewers and consumers to be aware of different barrel sizes. Here’s a table with their gallon capacity:

Barrel Size Gallon Capacity
Quarter 7.5
Half 15
Standard 31
Pony 7.8

A quarter-barrel holds 7.5 gallons, and a half-barrel contains 15. The most popular size for US breweries is the standard barrel, which holds 31 gallons. There’s also the smaller pony keg, which has a capacity of 7.8 gallons. Please note that keg shapes and sizes may vary across regions and brands. But the above barrel sizes are standard in the industry.

As per sources, Americans purchased an impressive 13 million barrels of craft beer in 2019. Also, millennials increased their consumption by 8% between 2010 and 2016.

So, why just have a pint? Why not have a whole keg to yourself?! (Just kidding, please drink responsibly!)

Standard keg

A Standard Keg is a popular beer barrel size used in bars and breweries. It holds 15.5 gallons of liquid, which is equivalent to 58.7 liters. Perfect for large social gatherings, this keg size is ideal for the high demand of beer.

The table below shows the gallon capacity of different beer barrel sizes.

Beer Barrel Size Gallon Capacity
Standard Keg 15.5 gallons
Pony Keg 7.75 gallons
Mini-Keg 1.32 gallons

Wooden barrels were used in the past due to their durability, but now stainless steel kegs are more popular as they’re lighter and better preserve beer’s freshness.

To ensure a successful event, it’s best to understand which keg size is most suitable! I always go for the half barrel size, because anything smaller is just a personal attack on my love for beer.

Half barrel

Half barrels, also known as .2 Half Barrels or 15.5-gallon kegs, are beer kegs that have a larger capacity than other types. These are essential for brewers and pub owners. The table below shows the dimensions and weight of this keg type.

Keg Type Volume Height Diameter Weight
.2 Half Barrel 15.5 gallons 23.3 inches 16.1 inches 161 lbs

The .2 Half barrel is not only used by brewers, but also by homebrewers due to its easily-interchangeable parts.

An amusing story involving a .2 Half barrel is about a brewer who was transporting several full kegs in his truck. On bumpy roads, one of the taps became loose resulting in beer pouring onto his lap while driving! Who needs a gym membership when you can lift a quarter barrel of beer and feel the burn in all the right places.

Quarter barrel

‘.3 Quarter Barrel’ is another name for a ‘Pony Keg’. It holds 7.75 gallons or 30 liters of beer, ideal for small to medium-scale occasions. It requires a different tapping system than bigger kegs because of its size and design. Heineken is a popular brand that sells pony kegs.

When my college buddies and I had a bash, we bought a few ‘.3 Quarter Barrels’. We thought it’d last us the night, but it was gone by midnight. Moral of the story? When throwing a get-together, bigger barrel means more beer (or more pain the next day!). In the UK, you can use this tip to avoid confusion about beer barrel sizes.

UK beer barrel sizes

UK beer cask volumes are essential for breweries. Variations in material, size and design affect the capacity. This is usually measured in gallons. Let’s create a table with columns for UK beer barrel sizes. It’ll include Firkin, Kilderkin and Hogshead plus their gallon capacity.

Barrel Type Gallon Capacity
Firkin 9 imperial gallons
Kilderkin 18
Hogshead 54

In each region, there are unique units of measurement for these barrels. Sizes depend on customs, not rules. Casks have been around since Neolithic times. In medieval times, guilds controlled barrel-making to ensure quality.

Also read:   How much does a 6 pack of beer cost?

Knowing barrel sizes is important for breweries. It helps them produce and distribute without wasting. Who needs a gym when you can lift a firkin of beer? Go ahead and feel the burn!


A firkin is a small barrel, traditionally used for ale. It holds .1 Barrel, which is 10.79 gallons of beer. The firkin’s size is small, yet it is easy to handle and transport.

Another barrel size is the ‘Pin.’ This holds .125 barrels, or 4.44 gallons of beer. This originated in England in the 18th century, and was used for cider. Later, brewers popularized it.

Barrels fall into two categories: commercial and homebrew. Quarter barrels (.25), Half barrels (.5) and Cornelius Kegs (which vary in size) are some variations.

Tip: Knowing different beer barrel sizes can help you when purchasing or brewing beer. The Kilderkin is a barrel with a fantasy-like name. It holds 18 gallons.


A .2 Kilderkin beer barrel holds around 18.5 gallons of beer. This is bigger than the Firkin, which is only 9.25 gallons. Check out the table below for the capacity and size of other barrels.

Barrel Size Gallon Capacity
.2 Kilderkin 18.5
Firkin 9.25
Pin 4.62
Cask Varies

Casks can differ in size, depending on their origin. English casks tend to be bigger than Scottish ones.

In the past, a man was fined for selling undersized Kilderkins. Officials found out he only filled the barrels halfway and pocketed the rest of the money!

Barrels: the perfect way to forget your troubles… with a pint or two!


The Small Barrel is a beer barrel with a capacity of 0.3 barrels, or 9.6 gallons. It’s popular due to its size and easy handling. Here are the dimensions and corresponding capacities:

Dimensions Capacity
Height: 15″ 9.6
Diameter: 10.5″

There are other sizes, such as ‘Standard Barrel’, ‘Half Barrel’, and ‘Quarter Barrel’. Each size has its own specs and gallon capacities.

For home brewing, smaller barrels like the Small Barrel are more manageable. Plus, they let brewers experiment with different flavors without committing to bigger batches.

Turns out wooden barrels have been around since 2000 BCE. They were widely used until metal kegs became more popular.


Beer barrels come in standard sizes. In the US, the most common is 31 gallons (117.347 l). In the UK, 36 gallons (136.274 l). The conversion of barrels into liters depends on the country. It ranges from 117 to 163 liters. In short, a barrel of beer can be between 31 to 43 gallons.

Measuring beer correctly is important for consistency and quality. Some breweries use Kilderkins or Firkins which have different volumes. Talk to bartenders or brewery staff for exact conversions.

Know how much beer is in each container. This prevents over-ordering and waste. Then you can enjoy your beer with no worries!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many gallons are in a barrel of beer?

A standard barrel of beer holds 31 gallons.

2. How many barrels of beer are in a keg?

A standard keg typically holds half a barrel, which is equivalent to 15.5 gallons.

3. Can a barrel of beer be smaller than 31 gallons?

Yes, there are smaller sizes of barrels available for beer, such as quarter barrels (7.75 gallons) and sixth barrels (5.16 gallons).

4. How many pints are in a barrel of beer?

There are 124 pints in a standard barrel of beer.

5. What is the cost of a barrel of beer?

The cost of a barrel of beer can vary depending on the brand, style, and location, but the average price is around $200-$300.

6. How many beers can be served from a barrel?

Assuming a standard serving size of 16 ounces, there are approximately 198 servings in a barrel of beer.